Happy Monday! For the first half of your day, if your work environment is anything like mine, you'll be going around asking or answering the same Monday question- How was your weekend? Thanks to good friends and family we kept it low key and still accomplished a lot. Not all weekends can be free, but here was ours in a nutshell.
Friday Night
Nick met me after work for a run around the Potomac to Teddy Roosevelt Island. You could say it was a run over the bridge and through the woods!
We came home to a fun Belgium beer and then a game night with friends :)
It was a beautiful day of sunshine. I decided to spend the day in the sun and 74 degree whether reading. A day of relaxation was exactly what I needed.
We got started early cleaning up the house, doing laundry, updating our budget with weekly expenses, and then I started the grocery list. We seem to follow the same dreaded Sunday routine each week. I have found that by sitting down with the Safeway App while creating meals for the week, we tend to buy whats on sale and in season.
We made our trip out to Costco for a few long-term necessities. We decided to go cart-less this week and bring in just two reusable bags. This allowed us to get in and out of the store quickly, but also mitigated the amount of items we could add to our Costco list. We ended up getting out of there with only one item not on our overall list, and two items (brussel sprouts and salsa) in a larger quantity then required for the week! Then off to Safeway for the rest of our weekly items.
I made our granola for the week and Nick made up two fun pizzas, BBQ Chicken and Buffalo Chicken.

It was a productive weekend, and besides groceries and a fun 6-pack we were able to get through the weekend in our usual frugal way :)
Friday Night
Nick met me after work for a run around the Potomac to Teddy Roosevelt Island. You could say it was a run over the bridge and through the woods!
We came home to a fun Belgium beer and then a game night with friends :)
It was a beautiful day of sunshine. I decided to spend the day in the sun and 74 degree whether reading. A day of relaxation was exactly what I needed.
We got started early cleaning up the house, doing laundry, updating our budget with weekly expenses, and then I started the grocery list. We seem to follow the same dreaded Sunday routine each week. I have found that by sitting down with the Safeway App while creating meals for the week, we tend to buy whats on sale and in season.
We made our trip out to Costco for a few long-term necessities. We decided to go cart-less this week and bring in just two reusable bags. This allowed us to get in and out of the store quickly, but also mitigated the amount of items we could add to our Costco list. We ended up getting out of there with only one item not on our overall list, and two items (brussel sprouts and salsa) in a larger quantity then required for the week! Then off to Safeway for the rest of our weekly items.
I made our granola for the week and Nick made up two fun pizzas, BBQ Chicken and Buffalo Chicken.

So, how was your weekend?
amazing use of a weekend